Hunt and Gather

I recently took a drive into the Minneapolis area to check out Hunt & Gather, which is a unique antique store. The theme of the store is "find your prize." Do you think you could find something here?

an interesting cloche

mini bottles galore

loved this Mary statue

see the creepy doll parts in the aquarium?

this room was filled with stuff to pick thru

more buttons than you could count

The last picture is a pair of adorable panels that I am kicking myself for not buying. I called the next day and they were sold! Just goes to show you if you see something you like you better get it because you may not get a second chance.


  1. This place is right up my alley! Love it.

  2. Great store! I have to remember to pull out my camera when visiting these places. Too bad about the panels, but you're right; don't wait on them, if you like it, buy it right then!


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