Mother's Day Pendants

Here are a few necklaces I was able to create recently. Both were inspired by mother's day which is right around the corner. The first one, I named "the baby boomer." It is a bullet that I added a nice vintage green patina to with a bit of rust.  I then attached a tiny baby figurine that I added a rust patina to also. Can you believe the baby was once plastic? She looks like an old hunk of metal now! I added some reclaimed beads and buttons and the baby boomer emerged. I will be selling this necklace in an upcoming barn sale. The other necklace is a custom pendant for a police officer's mother. I am only showing one side of the soldered pendant, but there is a picture of him and his father on the front. It's hard to read in these pictures (again sorry about my camera flash), but the quote says "blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of god Matthew 5:9." I added 2 bullets, one to represent him and his father as they are both police officers and some other reclaimed beads. I enjoy making special custom pieces like this. I hope his mother adores it. Click on the images for a closer view.

The baby boomer

Look at that cute bottom! 

custom order

Love the re-purposed bullets


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